Friday, October 30, 2009

Jackson's first night

Jackson on his couch....
Last night was Jackson's first night with the rail off of his baby bed, We have been having issues with him climbing out of his bed for a while now..So last night Bryan and I decided to take the rail off because we were scared that when he was trying to get out of the bed he would hurt his self..So we put him to bed at 8pm. like every other night..Well started fussing and didnt want to go to sleep...So we gave him the option to sleep on his bed or his dot dog mouse couch(mickey mouse couch). well after an hour of him knocking on his door and waiting to sleep in the living room he finally feel asleep...Bryan went in there after we knew he was sleep to see where he was sleeping he was on his couch...He sleep through the night so we were happy about that. Hopefully tonight will be better...and he want fuss as much as he did last night and praying is doesnt take him an hour to go to sleep...We also bought a lock for his closet because during nap time he would get in the closet and take all the diapers out and clothes out also...So we fixed that problem...

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